aku terpaksa ungkpan .

salam . 
sory ,
aku terpaksa ungkapkn kata2 ini .
yang selama terbuku di hati ku .
mungkin kami bkn yg terbaik untukmu .
I do not mean to hurt your feelings.
to reveal all the lies you for this.
why do you have to cheat?
but I could not bear to see other people's feelings you hurt.
they also pnya feelings.
Why should we trick you?
This is for your lack of attention to yourself?
Nda we thought, for we love you, you're just pretending.
We love you like a brother and sister.
but, why do you need to cheat us?
If you want the best of our
please lah usahakannya without any lies.
because, someday you will surely regret it with all of you for this act to us.
remember lah!
my heart is hurt by your behavior is difficult for me to forget?
only if God withdraw all the words that I said it.
Read And Forget

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